Té Blanco y Jengibre Estrella

White Tea and Ginger Scented Candle

Vegetable wax candle scented with white tea and ginger. Square handmade ceramic vessel in pastel yellow color.

White tea has a fresh and captivating aroma, evoking serenity and well-being. The ginger scent is spicy, penetrating, with spicy yet slightly sweet traits. Combining the white tea scent with the ginger scent creates a very special and enchanting effect.

The pastel yellow color is a surprising color. Being in a pastel tone it is not garish, showing a very flattering yellow. Let this candle light up wherever you take it.

Its name is white tea and star ginger.

8.5(D)x8(H) 225gr
7.5(D)x6(H) 100gr


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